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English Auction with Holons

This document describes the basics of the creation and design of holons in SARL. This tutorial is applied on a simple English auction application. Before reading this document, it is recommended reading the General Syntax Reference. The architecture presented in this tutorial may be used for designing a system in which a decision must be taken after arbitration among components.

See the code

According to the vocabulary used in the SARL project, all the agents are holons. In the rest of this tutorial, the terms “agent” and “holon” are synonymous.

The elements that are explained in this tutorial are:

Note The communication between the sub-agents is out of the scope of this tutorial. For interested readers, the Agent Reference may be read.

The source code related to this tutorial may be found in the Github of the SARL demos.

1. Principle of the English Auction

This type of auction is arguably the most common form of auction in use today. Participants bid openly against one another, with each subsequent bid required to be higher than the previous bid. An auctioneer may announce prices, bidders may call out their bids themselves. The auction ends when no participant is willing to bid further, at which point the highest bidder pays their bid. Alternatively, if the seller has set a minimum sale price in advance (the ‘reserve’ price) and the final bid does not reach that price the item remains unsold. Sometimes the auctioneer sets a minimum amount by which the next bid must exceed the current highest bid. The most significant distinguishing factor of this auction type is that the current highest bid is always available to potential bidders.

Source: Wikipedia

2. Principle of the Application

The principle of the application is the following:

By a design choice, the bidders are sub-agents of the auctioneer agent.

Holonic Auction

3. Why are the sub-agents in the inner context?

According to the Built-in Capacity Reference, a sub-agent is living in the inner context of a super-agent. Each agent defines its own context, called the inner context, where other agents can live. Therefore, every agent can be seen as a part of a larger holon and at the same time be composed by other agents that exist in its inner context.

Note According to the SARL specifications, all the agents in a context belong to the default space of this context. This property is important for designing the communication links between two adjacent levels in the hierarchy of agents. The default space of the inner context becomes the natural place where the super-agent and its sub-agents are interacting.

4. Definitions of the events

In the application, two events are needed: the event from the auctioneer for notifying the bidders of the new price; and the event that is sent by a bidder to the auctioneer with a bid inside.

4.1. Price event

The Price event is the event sent by the auctioneer for notifying a bidder that the price has changed. This event contains the new price.

event Price {
	val price : float
	new(price : float) {
		this.price = price

4.2. Playing event

The Bid event is the event sent by a bidder to the auctioneer. This event contains the value of the bid.

event Bid {
	val value : float
	new(value : float) {
		this.value = value

5. Definition of the bidder

The bidder agent is reacting to new price notifications, and could offer a new bid if the new price is not exceeding its maximal price.

5.1. Initial definition

The initial definition of the bidder is below. The random attribute contains an instance of a random number generator (from the Java library). The maxPrice attribute is the maximum value of the price that the bidder will consider for bidding. The bidder selects the maximum price between 100 and 1000 randomly.

agent Bidder {
	val random = new Random
	var maxPrice : float
	on Initialize {
		maxPrice = random.nextFloat() * 900f + 100f

5.2. Bidding

The definition of the bidder agent is extended by the bidding behavior. The bidding must occur when the auctioneer is notifying a new price, i.e. when the Price event is received. The bidder computes the new price. If this last is not exceeding the maximal price, then the bidder is sending its bid in a Bid event.

Interaction Principle For sending data to its super-agent, a sub-agent must fire an event in the default space of the inner context of the super-agent. The emit function is supporting this interaction.

Caution The Bid event is sent in the default space. But there is no restriction on the event’s recipient. It means that the super-agent and the other sub-agents will receive this event.

agent Bidder {
	val random = new Random
	var maxPrice : float
	var myLastBid : float
	on Initialize {
		maxPrice = random.nextFloat() * 900f + 100f
	uses DefaultContextInteractions, Logging

	on Price {
		if(occurrence.price == myLastBid) {
			println("I do not bet, I am the winner with :" + myLastBid)
		} else {
			if(occurrence.price < maxPrice) {
				var priceIncrease = random.nextFloat() * 50f
				if (priceIncrease > 0) {
					var newPrice = occurrence.price + priceIncrease
					if (newPrice <= maxPrice) {
						emit(new Bid(newPrice))
						myLastBid = newPrice
					} else {
						println(" I give up, this is beyond my resources : " + myLastBid)
			} else {
				println("I dropped to " + myLastBid)

5.3. Restrict the bid to the auctioneer

For restricting the recipients of the Bid event to the auctioneer, it is mandatory to specify a scope for the event. For supporting the holonic communication from the sub-agent to the super-agent, the scope of the event corresponds to the address of the super-agent in the default space.

Note The ID of the super-agent, and the ID of the inner context of this super-agent are always the same.

Below, we update the bidding behavior by creating a scope, and providing it to the emit function.

agent Bidder {
	val random = new Random
	var maxPrice : float
	var myLastBid : float
	on Initialize {
		maxPrice = random.nextFloat() * 900f + 100f

	uses DefaultContextInteractions, Logging

	on Price {
		if(occurrence.price == myLastBid) {
			println("I do not bet, I am the winner with :" + myLastBid)
		} else {
			if(occurrence.price < maxPrice) {
				var priceIncrease = random.nextFloat() * 50f
				if (priceIncrease > 0) {
					var newPrice = occurrence.price + priceIncrease
					if (newPrice <= maxPrice) {
						emit(new Bid(newPrice)) [ it.ID == defaultContext.ID]
						myLastBid = newPrice
					} else {
						println(" I give up, this is beyond my resources : " + myLastBid)
			} else {
				println("I dropped to " + myLastBid)

5.4. Definition of the auctioneer

The third step of this tutorial is the definition of the auctioneer that is initiating the auction, waiting for bids, and selecting the winner.

Initial definition

The initial definition of the auctioneer is defined below. The auctioneer is starting the auction with a price of 50. It is notifying the bidders with a Price event. Because the bidders are sub-agents, they are living in the inner context of the auctioneer. For sending the Price event to the bidders, the auctioneer must put it in the default space of its inner context. This particular type of emit is supported by the wake function, which is provided by the Behaviors capacity. This function does the same as:

innerContext.defaultSpace.emit(new Price(50))

Interaction Principle For sending data to its sub-agents, a super-agent must fire an event in the default space of its inner context. The wake function is supporting this interaction.

agent Auctioneer {
	uses Behaviors
	var maxBid = 0f
	var winner : Address
	var hasBid = false 
	var isAuctionOpened = true
	on Initialize {
		wake(new Price(50))

Create the bidders

The creation of the sub-agents in the auctioneer needs to spawn agents in the inner context. The Lifecycle capacity gives the spawnInContext function. This function permits creating an agent in a particular context. For obtaining the inner context, we need to use the InnerContextAccess capacity, which provides the [:getinner:s] function. Below, we create the three bidders.

agent Auctioneer {
	uses Behaviors, Lifecycle, InnerContextAccess
	var maxBid = 0f
	var winner : Address
	var hasBid = false 
	var isAuctionOpened = true
	on Initialize {
		for(i : 1..3) {
			spawnInContext(typeof(Bidder), getInnerContext)
		wake(new Price(50))

Receive the bids

The auctioneer is waiting for bids. This behavior is coded inside the behavior unit dedicated to the Bid event. We add a guard on the isAuctionOpened attribute to execute the behavior only if the auction is still opened. We will see later when the auction is closed. If the value of the received bid is greater than the current price, the source of the Bid event becomes the new potential winner.

agent Auctioneer {
	uses Behaviors, Lifecycle, InnerContextAccess
	var maxBid = 0f
	var winner : Address
	var hasBid = false 
	var isAuctionOpened = true
	on Initialize {
		for(i : 1..3) {
			spawnInContext(Bidder, innerContext)
		wake(new Price(50))
	on Bid [ isAuctionOpened ] {
		if (occurrence.value > maxBid) {
			maxBid = occurrence.value
			winner = occurrence.source

Stop the auction

The auctioneer must wait some time before it is closing the auction due to lake of bid. To reproduce this behavior, we introduce a periodic task, which is executed every 10 seconds for checking if a bid was provided during the last 10 seconds. This periodic task is started after the first 10 seconds.

Coding the periodic task in SARL is done with the Schedules capacity. It provides the every function that is executing at a fixed delay its second argument, given by the first argument. In the task’s code, we test if a bid was received. If not, the auctioneer closes the auction, and outputs the appropriate message. To delay the task executor about the first ten seconds, we use the in function provided by the capacity.

agent Auctioneer {
	uses Behaviors, Lifecycle, InnerContextAccess, Schedules, Logging
	var maxBid = 0f
	var winner : Address
	var hasBid = false 
	var isAuctionOpened = true
	on Initialize {
		for(i : 1..3) {
			spawnInContext(Bidder, innerContext)
		wake(new Price(50))
		in(10000) [
			val waitTask = task("wait-task")
			waitTask.every(10000) [
				if (!hasBid) {
					isAuctionOpened = false
					if (winner === null) {
						println("No winner")
					} else {
						println("The winner is " + winner
							+ " with the bid of " + maxBid)
				hasBid = false
	on Bid [ isAuctionOpened ] {
		hasBid = true
		if (occurrence.value > maxBid) {
			maxBid = occurrence.value
			winner = occurrence.source

Synchronize the operations

Because the periodic task and the event handlers may be executed in parallel, we are facing a classical problem in concurrent programming: how to ensure that two blocks of code are not executed at the same time for avoiding any conflicting access on the same data.

It is recommended to “synchronize” the blocks of code. We use the synchronized operator (which has the same meaning as in the Java language). This operator ensures that two blocks of code, which are synchronized on the same Object (the argument of the operator) cannot be executed in parallel by different threads.

agent Auctioneer {
	uses Behaviors, Lifecycle, InnerContextAccess, Schedules, Logging
	var maxBid = 0f
	var winner : Address
	var hasBid = false 
	var isAuctionOpened = true
	on Initialize {
		for(i : 1..3) {
			spawnInContext(Bidder, innerContext)
		wake(new Price(50))
		in(10000) [
			val waitTask = task("wait-task")
			waitTask.every(10000) [
				synchronized(this) {
					if (!hasBid) {
						isAuctionOpened = false
						if (winner === null) {
							println("No winner")
						} else {
							println("The winner is " + winner
								+ " with the bid of " + maxBid)
					hasBid = false
	on Bid [ isAuctionOpened ] {
		synchronized(this) {
			hasBid = true
			if (occurrence.value > maxBid) {
				maxBid = occurrence.value
				winner = occurrence.source

5.5. Stop the agents

The previous code works well at one exception. When the auction is closed, the system does not stop. Indeed, the auctioneer does not send any more the Price event. This cause all the agents waiting something that will never append.

We need to stop the agents.

Important Note In the specification of SARL, a super-agent cannot be killed if there is some other agent belonging to its inner context. Consequently, for stopping the agents, we need to stop the sub-agents before the super-agent.

StopAuction event

Because the determination of the end of the agent’s life is made by the auctioneer, this last must notify its sub-agents that it is time to commit a suicide. We introduce the StopAuction event that is used for this particular notification task.

event StopAuction

Kill the bidder

The code of the bidder must be updated for reacting on the receiving of the StopAuction event. When it is received, the bidder agent is killing itself by calling the killMe function. This function is provided by the Lifecycle capacity.

agent Bidder {
	val random = new Random()
	var maxPrice : float
	on Initialize {
		maxPrice = random.nextFloat() * 900f + 100f

	uses DefaultContextInteractions

	on Price {
		var priceIncrease = random.nextFloat() * 50f
		if (priceIncrease > 0) {
			var newPrice = occurrence.price + priceIncrease
			if (newPrice <= maxPrice) {
				emit(new Bid(newPrice)) [ it.ID == defaultContext.ID]
	uses Lifecycle
	on StopAuction {

Kill the auctioneer

The code of the auctioneer must be updated for firing the StopAuction event, and for killing itself when there is no more sub-agent. Firstly, the periodic task is updated with a wake call that permits notifying the sub-agents of the end of the auction. Secondly, in this periodic task, if the auction is closed, then the auctioneer is killing itself if the hasMemberAgent function replies false. This function is provided by the InnerContextAccess capacity. The periodic task must also be stopped. The cancel function is invoked on the periodic task to stop its execution.

agent Auctioneer {
	uses Behaviors, Lifecycle, InnerContextAccess, Schedules, Logging
	var maxBid = 0f
	var winner : Address
	var hasBid = false 
	var isAuctionOpened = true
	on Initialize {
		for(i : 1..3) {
			spawnInContext(Bidder, innerContext)
		wake(new Price(50))
		in(10000) [
			val waitTask = task("wait-task")
			waitTask.every(10000) [
				synchronized(this) {
					if (!isAuctionOpened) {
						if (!hasMemberAgent) {
					} else {
						if (!hasBid) {
							isAuctionOpened = false
							if (winner === null) {
								println("No winner")
							} else {
								println("The winner is " + winner
									+ " with the bid of " + maxBid)
							wake(new StopAuction)
						hasBid = false
	on Bid [ isAuctionOpened ] {
		synchronized(this) {
			hasBid = true
			if (occurrence.value > maxBid) {
				maxBid = occurrence.value
				winner = occurrence.source

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