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Janus Command-line Launcher

Janus is an open-source multi-agent platform fully implemented in SARL. Janus could be used as an agent-oriented platform, an organizational platform, and/or an holonic platform. It also natively manages the concept of recursive agents and holons. Janus platform was initially published during the 2007-2008 period as a pure Java framework. Since 2014, Janus is fully reimplemented to support the SARL Agent-Oriented Programming Language. And since 2020, it is fully re-implemented using the SARL language.

Janus implementation follows the standards of software engineering as much as possible. Basically, the key implementation choices of Janus that are under interest in this tutorial are:

  1. Microkernel architecture: Janus implementation is based on a microkernel that provides the key features of an agent framework, and that could be easily extended. The key features are implemented as services.
  2. Service-based architecture: The main features of the Janus framework are implemented as services, e.g. context management, agent lifecycle, logging, etc.
  3. Dependency Injection: Modules (and services) are injected into the using objects with Google Guice. It provides support for dependency injection using annotations to configure Java objects. Dependency injection is a design pattern whose core principle is to separate behavior from dependency resolution.

For launching the Janus platform from a command-line shell, you could use the janus tool.

Caution The janus does not provide a support for exchanging events over a computer network. If you would like to have benefit of this feature, you should use one of the following methods: 1. Add a library on the classpath that includes the networking feature to the SRE; or 2. Use the version of the SRE that includes the standard network feature: janusnode.

1. Note on the application classpath

The Janus command-line tool adds automatically the Jar files of Janus on the application classpath. It means that you don’t need to add any SRE, including Janus, in the dependencies of your project if you plan to use the Janus command line tool.

For other methods for launching a SARL application, please refer to one of:

2. Usage

The janus tool takes arguments:

janus [OPTIONS] <agent_fully_qualified_name>

The agent_fully_qualified_name is the name of the agent to launch. This name is equal to the fully qualified name of the agent’s type.

Note Janus enables to launch only one agent from the command-line shell. If you want to launch more than one agent, you should launch a first agent, which will create the other agents.

You could change the behavior of the janus tool with the command-line options. For obtaining a list of the options, type:

janus -help

3. Command-Line Options

The Janus framework provides options on the command-line. The list of the options is displayed below. This list includes all the standard modules of Janus. If you add an extra module into the classpath of your application, more options may become available.

Option Description
–agent-spawns-per-thread=number Specify the maximal number of agent spawns that must be supported by a single thread into the life-cycle service; Default is 128.
–async-probe-update={true|false} Specify if the probe service should update asynchronously the probed values, or not; Default is true.
-b method
Specify the method for selecting the identifier of the default context; The possible values are default, random, boot_agent_name; Default is ‘default’.
–classpath=path Specifies where to find user class files, and source files. This class path overrides the user class path in the SRE_CLASSPATH environment variable. If neither SRE_CLASSPATH, –cp nor –classpath is specified, then the user class path is built upon the current folder. If a user class path is specified, it must contains the the user libraries and the standard SARL libraries.
–config=yaml_location Specifies YAML config location, which can be a file path or a URL.
–cp=path Specifies where to find user class files, and source files. This class path overrides the user class path in the SRE_CLASSPATH environment variable. If neither SRE_CLASSPATH, –cp nor –classpath is specified, then the user class path is built upon the current folder. If a user class path is specified, it must contains the the user libraries and the standard SARL libraries.
-d uuid
Specify the identifier (UUID) of the default space into the root context; Default is 7ba8885d-545b-445a-a0e9-b655bc15ebe0.
-e {reflect, polymorphic}
–event-bus={reflect, polymorphic}
Specify the type of event bus to create for each agent; Default is reflect.
–generatemarkdownconfighelp Prints the configuration parameters using a Markdown table.
–generatemarkdownhelp Prints the list of the command-line options using a Markdown table.
Prints this message.
Prints information about application modules and their configuration options.
–inject-agents={true|false} Specify if the agents should be injected with field values by the SRE; Default is false.
–internal-error-log-level=level Specify the logging level for the internal errors within the parallel executors; Default is: all.
When present, the output of the configuration has the Json format.
-k duration
Specify the duration in seconds during which a thread is staying alive even if there is not task to be run; After this duration, iddle threads are destroyed by the SRE; Default value is 60.
-l level
Specifies the level of logging of the application. This log level could be also controlled by setting the environment variable LOG_LEVEL. If neither LOG_LEVEL nor –log is specified, then the default log level set to info is used. The accepted values are: off, error, warning, info, debug, trace, all.
–max-threads=number Specify the maximal number of threads that could be created by the SRE; Default is 512.
–min-threads=number Specify the minimal number of threads that should be created by the SRE; Default is 0.
–name=name Specify the name of the program that is shown into the logs for example; Default is ‘SARL Run-time Environment’.
–no-agent Start the SRE without agent at boot time. In this case, the fully qualified name that may be provided on the command line is simply ignored. Agents should be spawned later by calling the programmatic API of the SRE.
Print the current configuration. The output format is Yaml by default. See –json for a Json output, and –xml for a XML output.
-r uuid
Specify the identifier (UUID) of the root context; Default is 2c38fb7f-f363-4f6e-877b-110b1f07cc77.
–service-start-timeout=timeout Specify the timeout for waiting a service to be started (in milliseconds); A value equal to zero means that the SRE waits for ever; Default is 0.
–service-stop-timeout=timeout Specify the timeout for waiting a service to be stopped (in milliseconds); A value equal to zero means that the SRE waits for ever; Default is 10 000.
–thread-purge={true|false} Specify if the executor service is periodically purging the thread pools; Default is: true.
–thread-timeout=timeout Specify the numbers of seconds that the SRE is waiting for thread terminations before timeout; Default is: 30.
Prints release information.
When present, the output of the configuration has the XML format.

4. List of Errors and Warnings

This section provides the non-exhaustive list of error and warning messages that may be generated by Janus. Indeed, Janus code may generates errors and warnings that are documented below. However, several errors may occur because of one of the used library. In these errors are not necessary documented, and must be discussed on Gitter or Google Group with the SARL community.

The “N.” column provides a number that could be used in order to make easier your discussions with the SARL developers on the forums.

The column “Message and Description” contains information and details on each issue. The message gives a template of typical message that is given by the compiler. The cause describes the source of the issue, and provides a short explanation of the cause of the issue. The solving provides guidelines to fix the issue when it is possible.

The “Level” column indicates the level of importance for the issue. It may be:

The code of the issue, which is appended at the end of the messages, corresponds to the content of the “Code” column below. This code may have a short format (e.g., the one shown in the column), or a long format (e.g., if you move your mouse pointer on the code, you should see the long format of the code into a pop-up window). The long code is provided by the SARL compiler at the end of the issue messages.

N. Message and Description Level Code
1 Message: Already launched task
Cause: A task was launched two times. This error denotes of a problem of design of the agent software
Solving: Review your code to avoid the task to be launched too times
Error agent_task_already_launched
2 Message: Cannot emit the event ‘event-type’ with the scope ‘scope’: error
Cause: The given event cannot be emitted into a space because of an internal error
Error cannot_emit_in_space
3a Message: Not enough arguments. You have to provide the qualified name of the agent to be launched
Cause: This error is generated when the number of commend-line arguments that are passed to Janus is too small, in the case that Janus is supposed to launch an agent. The missed argument is the fully-qualified name of the agent to be launched
Solving: Add to the command-line the fully-qualified name of the agent to be launched
Error cli_argument_list_size
3b Message: Too many arguments. You must not provide arguments
Cause: This error is generated when the number of commend-line arguments that are passed to Janus is too big, in the case that Janus is not supposed to launch an agent.
Solving: Remove all the command-line arguments
Error cli_argument_list_size
4 Message: The spawning of the agents is disabled. The spawning of agent-type inside context is skipped
Cause: An agent spawn query was received, but rejected because the agent life-cycle service has disabled its spawning service. It is usually due to the fact that Janus has already started to shutdown
Solving: Review you code in order to avoid to spawn an agent after all the exisiting agents have been killed
Warning disabled_spawn
5a Message: Event guard evaluator method becomes inaccessible: {1}
Cause: Event guards are evaluated into dedicated Java functions by Janus. This error message is generated when the guard evaluation function cannot be called due to access restrictions. This error should never occur because it means that the Janus code itself is broken
Error event_guard_error
5b Message: Invalid argument for the event guard evaluator method: {1}
Cause: Event guards are evaluated into dedicated Java functions by Janus. This error message is generated when one of the arguments of the guard evaluation function is invalid. Usually, it is because the event cannot be passed to the function
Error event_guard_error
6 Message: The SARL specification version that was used for generating the type name is not compatible with the specification version supported by Janus
Cause: Internally, Janus checks if the provided class of an agent to be launched was generated with a version of the SARL compiler that is supported by the current version of Janus. This error message is generated when the class to be loaded is not compatible
Solving: Get agent’s binary files that are compiled with the compatible SARL compiler
Error invalid_sarl_specification
7 Message: Cannot kill agent id because it is not alive
Cause: The agent with the given id cannot be killed because it is already dead
Solving: Review your code to avoid the call to killMe too many times
Error not_alive_error
8 Message: Cannot kill agent id because it is considered as not killable
Cause: The agent with the given id cannot be killed. Usually, it is because it is a holon that contains sub-holons
Solving: Review your code to avoid the killing of the sub-holon when it is not empty
Error not_killable_error
9 Message: Agent task is null
Cause: The reference to an agent task is lost. This avoid the task to be run. This error should never occur
Error null_agent_task
10 Message: Failure in service name
Cause: An internal error into the Janus service manager has occurred. The error is related to the service with the given name
Error service_manager_error
11 Message: Cannot instantiate an agent of type type-name due to the following: error
Cause: An internal error avoid an agent of the given type-name to be created and launched
Solving: Review the given error and fix your agent software accordingly
Error spawn_error
12 Message: Task with the id ‘id’ and the name ‘name’ was cancelled
Cause: A task was detected as cancelled by the thread execution service. This error should never occur, except if you have manually cancelled an agent task during its execution
Warning task_cancel
13 Message: Uncaught exception: error
in thread #task-idtask-name’
Cause: This error message is displayed when an agent task has encountered an *error
Error task_error
14 Message: Task with the id ‘id’ and the name ‘name’ was interrupted
Cause: A task was detected as interrupted by the thread execution service. This error should never occur, except if the thread associated to the agent task was interrupted programmatically
Warning task_interrupt
15 Message: Rejected task due to lack of resources or service shutdown: task
Cause: This warning message is generated when an agent task is rejected by the internal thread execution service. Most of the time, the reason of the rejection is because there is not more space in the queue of tasks to be run. By default, when a task is rejected to be executed into a thread, Janus assumes that the tasks could be run into the current thread, and it is running the task. Consequently, this warning should be considered in order to detect internal bugs in your software
Solving: x
Warning task_reject
16a Message: Cannot create the universe context
Cause: Something avoid the Janus framework to be started and create the root context of the application. The cause of the error is unknown
Error universe_creation
16b Message: Cannot create the universe context: cause
Cause: Something avoid the Janus framework to be started and create the root context of the application. The cause of the error is provided
Error universe_creation

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