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Space Reference

This document describes the features related to the definition of a space in SARL. Before reading this document, we recommend that you read the General Syntax Reference, and the Agent Reference.

One of the key elements that characterize and differentiate the main multi-agent approaches is how interactions between agents are described. Some researchers focus on agent-to-agent interactions and corresponding protocols. Within organizational approaches, some consider the organization as a static partition of agents where agents interact in groups through the roles they play. Others focus on dynamic organizations and normative aspects.

Another essential aspect of the interaction is the interaction Agent-Environment, especially in agent-based simulations. Each of these trends of multi-agent systems has led to numerous fruitful and innovative contributions. To remain generic, SARL therefore not imposes a single way of describing the interaction among agents, but rather attempt to provide means to implement each of these approaches.

It is in this perspective that the concepts of Space and SpaceSpecification were defined.

A Space is the support of the interaction between agents respecting the rules defined in a Space Specification.

A Space Specification defines the rules (including action and perception) for interacting within a given set of spaces respecting this specification.

SARL natively defines a particular type of Space called Event Space to provide a support to event-driven interactions. Within an event space, agents communicate using events, the built-in capacity DefaultContextInteractions provides the agent with the means to emit and receive events, respectively using the emit actions and the on keyword in behavior definition. A Default Space is precisely an event space.

Within an event space, the notion of Scope enables to precisely control/filter the potential recipients of an event. A Scope is a predicate used to filter the potentially called listeners for a given event. The most basic scope is represented by a collection of addresses.

1. Types of Spaces

SARL provides a collection of interfaces that are representing different types of spaces.

1.1. Space

SARL provides an interface that is representing all the spaces:

interface Space {
	def forEachStrongParticipant((Object) => void)
	def forEachWeakParticipant((Object) => void)
	def getNumberOfStrongParticipants : int
	def getNumberOfWeakParticipants : int
	def getSpaceID : SpaceID
	def isPseudoEmpty : boolean
	def isPseudoEmpty(UUID) : boolean

The getSpaceID function replies the identifier of the space.

Participants to the space are software entities, e.g. agents that are participating to the interaction in the space. Two types of participant are forseen:

The getNumberOfStrongParticipants function replies the number of strong participants that are registered to the space. The [:ispseudoemptyfct] function replies if the space has at least a strong participant registered. If the parameter is given, it is the identifier of the participant that should be ignored. In other words, the [:ispseudoemptyfct] function replies if another strong participant than the one with the given identifier is registered.

1.2. Event Space

Spaces that are based on event propagation mechanism are defined as:

interface EventSpace {
	def emit(UUID, Event)
	def emit(UUID, Event, Scope<Address>)
	def getAddress(UUID) : Address

The getAddress function replies the address in the space of the agent that has the given identifier. The emit functions permits fire of an event in the space.

1.3. Open Event Space

Event spaces that are allowing the agents to be register and unregister are “open event spaces”:

interface OpenEventSpace {
	def registerStrongParticipant(EventListener) : Address
	def registerWeakParticipant(EventListener) : Address
	def unregister(EventListener) : Address

The functions registerStrongParticipant, registerWeakParticipant and unregister permit an agent to be involved or not. The functions registerStrongParticipant and registerWeakParticipant fires the event ParticipantJoined. And, the function unregister fires the event ParticipantLeft.

2. Defining a Space

The definition of a new space must be done with object-oriented language’s features.

For defining a space, three steps must be followed:

In the rest of this section, we use the example of the definition of a physic space: a space in which objects have a spatial position.

2.1. Defining the PhysicSpace

The first step for the definition of a new type of space is the specification of the interface that is describing the functions provided by the space.

The new space type must extend one of the predefined types, below Space. In the following example, the new space is related to the physic environment in which the agents may evolve.

interface PhysicSpace extends Space {
	def moveObject(identifier : UUID, x : float, y : float, z : float)
	def bindBody(^agent : EventListener)
	def unbindBody(^agent : EventListener)

This space permits to move an object, i.e. the physical representation of the agent (named body). Additionally, the space gives to the agent the ability to be binded to its body, and to release the control of its body. The EventListener type is the event listening mechanism associated to the agent. It may be obtained with the Behaviors built-in capacity (see the corresponding built-in capacity reference for details).

2.2. Basic Implementation

The definition of the space implementation depends upon the runtime environment.

Caution This section of the space reference document may evolved in future releases of SARL. Please activate the “deprecated feature use” warning in your compilation configuration for ensuring that you will be notified about any major changes on this part of the API.

Below, the implementation extends one of the abstract classes provided by the Janus Platform.

class PhysicSpaceImpl extends AbstractEventSpace implements PhysicSpace {
	val entities = <UUID, PhysicObject>newHashMap
	def moveObject(identifier : UUID, x : float, y : float, z : float) {
		synchronized (this.entities) {
			var o = this.entities.get(identifier)
			if (o !== null) {
				o.move(x, y, z)
	def bindBody(listener : EventListener) {
		synchronized (this.entities) {
			entities.put(listener.ID, new PhysicObject)
	def unbindBody(listener : EventListener) {
		synchronized (this.entities) {

The physic space contains a collection of objects, namely entities. Each object is identified by an UUID. It is assumed that the PhysicObject class provides a method for moving it: move(float, float, float). When an agent wants to move an object by calling the moveObject method, the space is retrieving the instance of this object in the entities, and move it.

Important Note The previous implementation has a major problem: it does not permit to distribute the information and the interaction objects over a computer network. The space is the support of the interaction. Consequently, it should provide the mechanisms for routing the events to all the agents other the computer network.

2.3. Defining a SpaceSpecification

For creating instances of spaces, it is necessary to define a space specification. This specification may create the space instance according to rules, or provide information and rules to the spaces.

class PhysicSpaceSpecification implements SpaceSpecification<PhysicSpace> {
	def create(id : SpaceID, params : Object*) : PhysicSpace {
		return new PhysicSpaceImpl(id)

The example above is the specification related to the first implementation of the PhysicSpace.

2.4. Access to the Default Space Instance within a space specification

If the space instance needs to be linked to the default space of the context, it is necessary to retrieve the instance of the default space within the space specification. Then, this specification is in charge of passing the default space instance to the space instance.

By contract, the default space instance could be []injected into the space specification instance]( The following constraints apply:

  1. The injected feature is an object field of the space specification, or a formal parameter;
  2. The injected feature must be of type OpenEventSpace;
  3. The injected feature must be marked with one of the two following methods: a. annotated with @Named("defaultSpace"), or b. annotated with @DefaultSpace.

The following example illustrates the first method of marking of an object field:

class MySpaceSpecification implements SpaceSpecification<MySpace> {
    var defaultSpace : OpenEventSpace
    def create(id : SpaceID, params : Object*) : MySpace {
        return new MySpaceImpl(this.defaultSpace)

The following example illustrates the second method of marking of an object field:

class MySpaceSpecification implements SpaceSpecification<MySpace> {
    var defaultSpace : OpenEventSpace
    def create(id : SpaceID, params : Object*) : MySpace {
        return new MySpaceImpl(this.defaultSpace)

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