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Extension Methods and Available Extensions

Extension methods allow you to add new methods to existing types without modifying them. This is really helpful as they can greatly improve the readability. Extension methods use a simple syntactic trick: the first parameter of a method can either be passed in after opening the parentheses or before the method call. For example, given a method:

def removeVowels (s : String) {
	s.replaceAll("[aeiouyAEIOUY]", "")

We can call this method either like in Java or C++ languages:


or as an extension method of String:


1. Import static extension methods

You can import static methods as extensions, and directly call the imported static methods.

In the following example, the sort(List) function is provided by the Collections utility class. This function is invoked with the extension method syntax.

import static extension java.util.Collections.*
agent MyAgent {
	def example {
		val colors : String[] = #["red", "blue", "green"]

2. Local extension methods

All visible non-static methods of the current class and its super types are automatically available as extensions.

In the following example, the hasOneElement function is invoked with the extension method syntax.

// Define an extension method for List
def hasOneElement(list : List<?>) : boolean {
	list.size == 1

// Invoke the extension method
def example : boolean {

3. Extension Provider

By adding the extension keyword to a field, a local variable, or a parameter declaration, its instance methods become extension methods.

Caution The extension keyword must be always written just before the val or var keywords for fields and local variables, or before the parameter’s name. In the case of an extension field, you must give the type of the field because the type resolved of SARL cannot infer the type of the field.

In the following example, the extension provider is a field. The function contains(Object) is called with the extension method syntax. The extension provider is the field list. Because of the extension method, the call to contains is equivalent to list.contains(value).

class ExtensionProviderExamples {
	extension var list : ArrayList<String> = newArrayList
	def extensionFieldExample(value : String) : boolean {

In the following example, the extension provider is the formal parameter o. Because of the extension method, the call to contains is equivalent to o.contains(value).

class ExtensionProviderExamples {

def extensionParameterExample(value : String, extension o : ArrayList<String>) : boolean {

In the following example, the extension provider is the local variable o. Because of the extension method, the call to contains is equivalent to o.contains(value).

def extensionLocalVariableExample(value : String) : boolean {
	extension val o : ArrayList<String> = newArrayList

4. Imported Extensions

The following sections describe the extensions (in alphabetical order) that are automatically imported in a SARL script. The extensions are described into categories.

4.1. Collection Category

The following functions are provided for extended the standard collection API:

def clone(T[]) : T[] with T
def clone(boolean[]) : boolean[]
def clone(byte[]) : byte[]
def clone(char[]) : char[]
def clone(double[]) : double[]
def clone(float[]) : float[]
def clone(int[]) : int[]
def clone(long[]) : long[]
def clone(short[]) : short[]
def contains(Object[], Object) : boolean
def contains(boolean[], boolean) : boolean
def contains(byte[], byte) : boolean
def contains(char[], char) : boolean
def contains(double[], double) : boolean
def contains(float[], float) : boolean
def contains(int[], int) : boolean
def contains(long[], long) : boolean
def contains(short[], short) : boolean
def equals(Object[], Object) : boolean
def equals(boolean[], Object) : boolean
def equals(byte[], Object) : boolean
def equals(char[], Object) : boolean
def equals(double[], Object) : boolean
def equals(float[], Object) : boolean
def equals(int[], Object) : boolean
def equals(long[], Object) : boolean
def equals(short[], Object) : boolean
def get(T[], int) : T with T
def get(T[][], int, int) : T with T
def get(boolean[], int) : boolean
def get(boolean[][], int, int) : boolean
def get(byte[], int) : byte
def get(byte[][], int, int) : byte
def get(char[], int) : char
def get(char[][], int, int) : char
def get(double[], int) : double
def get(double[][], int, int) : double
def get(float[], int) : float
def get(float[][], int, int) : float
def get(int[], int) : int
def get(int[][], int, int) : int
def get(long[], int) : long
def get(long[][], int, int) : long
def get(short[], int) : short
def get(short[][], int, int) : short
def hashCode(Object[]) : int
def hashCode(boolean[]) : int
def hashCode(byte[]) : int
def hashCode(char[]) : int
def hashCode(double[]) : int
def hashCode(float[]) : int
def hashCode(int[]) : int
def hashCode(long[]) : int
def hashCode(short[]) : int
def length(Object[]) : int
def length(boolean[]) : int
def length(byte[]) : int
def length(char[]) : int
def length(double[]) : int
def length(float[]) : int
def length(int[]) : int
def length(long[]) : int
def length(short[]) : int
def set(T[], int, E) : T with T, E
def set(T[][], int, int, E) : T with T, E
def set(boolean[], int, boolean) : boolean
def set(boolean[][], int, int, boolean) : boolean
def set(byte[], int, byte) : byte
def set(byte[][], int, int, byte) : byte
def set(char[], int, char) : char
def set(char[][], int, int, char) : char
def set(double[], int, double) : double
def set(double[][], int, int, double) : double
def set(float[], int, float) : float
def set(float[][], int, int, float) : float
def set(int[], int, int) : int
def set(int[][], int, int, int) : int
def set(long[], int, long) : long
def set(long[][], int, int, long) : long
def set(short[], int, short) : short
def set(short[][], int, int, short) : short

4.2. Number Category

The following functions are provided for extended the standard number API:

def operator_divide(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
def operator_minus(BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
def operator_minus(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
def operator_multiply(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
def operator_plus(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) : BigDecimal
def operator_power(BigDecimal, int) : BigDecimal

4.3. Primitive Type Category

The following functions are provided for extended the standard primitive type API:

def operator_and(boolean, boolean) : boolean
def operator_equals(boolean, boolean) : boolean
def operator_greaterEqualsThan(boolean, boolean) : boolean
def operator_greaterThan(boolean, boolean) : boolean
def operator_lessEqualsThan(boolean, boolean) : boolean
def operator_lessThan(boolean, boolean) : boolean
def operator_not(boolean) : boolean
def operator_notEquals(boolean, boolean) : boolean
def operator_or(boolean, boolean) : boolean
def xor(boolean, boolean) : boolean

4.4. Object Type Category

The following functions are provided for extended the Object types:

def operator_greaterEqualsThan(Comparable<Object>, C) : boolean with C
def operator_greaterThan(Comparable<Object>, C) : boolean with C
def operator_lessEqualsThan(Comparable<Object>, C) : boolean with C
def operator_lessThan(Comparable<Object>, C) : boolean with C
def operator_spaceship(Comparable<Object>, C) : int with C

4.5. Functions and Procedure Category

The following functions are provided for extended the standard Lambda expression API:

def andThen((Object) => T, (Object) => R) : (V) => R with V, T, R
def andThen((Object) => void, (Object) => void) : (T) => void with T
def andThen((Object, Object) => T, (Object) => R) : (V1, V2) => R with V1, V2, T, R
def andThen(Procedure0, Procedure0) : Procedure0
def compose((Object) => R, (Object) => T) : (V) => R with V, T, R
def curry((Object) => RESULT, P1) : () => RESULT with P1, RESULT
def curry((Object, Object) => RESULT, P1) : (P2) => RESULT with P1, P2, RESULT
def curry((Object, Object, Object) => RESULT, P1) : (P2, P3) => RESULT with P1, P2, P3, RESULT
def curry((Object, Object, Object, Object) => RESULT, P1) : (P2, P3, P4) => RESULT with P1, P2, P3, P4, RESULT
def curry((Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) => RESULT, P1) : (P2, P3, P4, P5) => RESULT with P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, RESULT
def curry((Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) => RESULT, P1) : (P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) => RESULT with P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, RESULT

4.6. Time Category

The following functions are provided for extended the standard time API:

def convertFromTo(double, TimeUnit, TimeUnit) : double
def days(Number) : long
def days(byte) : long
def days(double) : long
def days(float) : long
def days(int) : long
def days(long) : long
def days(short) : long
def hours(Number) : long
def hours(byte) : long
def hours(double) : long
def hours(float) : long
def hours(int) : long
def hours(long) : long
def hours(short) : long
def milliseconds(Number) : long
def milliseconds(byte) : long
def milliseconds(double) : long
def milliseconds(float) : long
def milliseconds(int) : long
def milliseconds(long) : long
def milliseconds(short) : long
def minutes(Number) : long
def minutes(byte) : long
def minutes(double) : long
def minutes(float) : long
def minutes(int) : long
def minutes(long) : long
def minutes(short) : long
def seconds(Number) : long
def seconds(byte) : long
def seconds(double) : long
def seconds(float) : long
def seconds(int) : long
def seconds(long) : long
def seconds(short) : long
def weeks(Number) : long
def weeks(byte) : long
def weeks(double) : long
def weeks(float) : long
def weeks(int) : long
def weeks(long) : long
def weeks(short) : long

5. Acknowledgements

This documentation is inspired by the documentations from the Xtext and Xtend projects.

Copyright © 2014-2023, the Original Authors and Main Authors.

Documentation text and medias are licensed under the Creative Common CC-BY-SA-4.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with CC-BY-SA-4.0. You may obtain a copy of CC-BY-4.0.

Examples of SARL code are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Apache License. You may obtain a copy of the Apache License.

You are free to reproduce the content of this page on copyleft websites such as Wikipedia.

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