Modifier and type | Property and description |
Address | addressInInnerDefaultSpace Replies the address of the agent into the default space of its inner context. |
Agent | agent Replies the agent associated to this life. |
Logging | agentLogger Replies the agent's logger. |
ContextReference | defaultContext Replies the default context of the agent. |
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque<E> | enclosingContexts Replies all the contexts in which the agent is located, including the default context and the external contexts. |
int | externalContextCount Replies the number of external contexts in which the agent is located. |
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque<E> | externalContexts Replies the external contexts in which the agent is located. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Procedures.Procedure2<P1,P2> | internalSkillCallback Replies the callback to be run when a skill is attached to the agent. |
AgentState | state Replies the agent state. |
Modifier and type | Action and description |
ContextReference | addExternalContext(Context,Address) Add a context in which the agent is located. |
protected void | attachAgentToDefaultContext(Context) Set up the agent in order to be attached properly to its default context. |
protected void | detachAgentFromPlatform(EventListener,ConcurrentCollection<T>) Detach the agent from the platform. |
Address | getAddressInInnerDefaultSpace Replies the address of the agent into the default space of its inner context. |
Agent | getAgent Replies the agent associated to this life. |
static AgentLife | getAgentLife(Agent,Provider<T>,Provider<T>) Replies the data structure that is storing the living data of the agent for the SRE. |
static AgentLife | getAgentLifeOrNull(Agent) Replies the data structure that is storing the living data of the agent for the SRE. |
final Logging | getAgentLogger Replies the agent's logger. |
ContextReference | getDefaultContext Replies the default context of the agent. |
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque<E> | getEnclosingContexts Replies all the contexts in which the agent is located, including the default context and the external contexts. |
final InternalEventBusCapacity | getEventBus(Agent) Replies the agent's event bus. |
ContextReference | getExternalContext(UUID) Replies the external context with the given identifier. |
int | getExternalContextCount Replies the number of external contexts in which the agent is located. |
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque<E> | getExternalContexts Replies the external contexts in which the agent is located. |
Context | getInnerContext(Function1<Param,Result>) Replies the inner context reference. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Procedures.Procedure2<P1,P2> | getInternalSkillCallback Replies the callback to be run when a skill is attached to the agent. |
AgentState | getState Replies the agent state. |
ContextReference | removeExternalContext(Context) Remove a context in which the agent is located. |
ContextReference | removeExternalContext(ContextReference) Remove a context in which the agent is located. |
Agent | setAgent(Agent) Change the agent associated to this life. |
ContextReference | setDefaultContext(Context,Address) Change the default context of the agent. |
Context | setInnerContext(Context) Set the inner context reference. |
AgentState | setState(AgentState) Change the agent state. |
boolean | start(Agent,SkillUninstaller,Logger,UUID,Context,Object*) Start the agent's life. |
ConcurrentCollection<T> | stop(Agent,SkillUninstaller,Logger,[boolean]) Stop the agent's life. |
java.lang.String | toString |
val addressInInnerDefaultSpace : Address
This property is an alias for the action: getAddressInInnerDefaultSpace
val agent : Agent
This property is an alias for the action: getAgent
val agentLogger : Logging
This property is an alias for the action: getAgentLogger
val defaultContext : ContextReference
This property is an alias for the action: getDefaultContext
val enclosingContexts : java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque<E>
This property is an alias for the action: getEnclosingContexts
val externalContextCount : int
This property is an alias for the action: getExternalContextCount
val externalContexts : java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque<E>
This property is an alias for the action: getExternalContexts
protected val internalSkillCallback : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Procedures.Procedure2<P1,P2>
This property is an alias for the action: getInternalSkillCallback
val state : AgentState
This property is an alias for the action: getState
def addExternalContext(Context,Address) : ContextReference
protected def attachAgentToDefaultContext(Context)
protected def detachAgentFromPlatform(EventListener,ConcurrentCollection<T>)
def getAddressInInnerDefaultSpace : Address
def getAgent : Agent
def getAgentLife(Agent,Provider<T>,Provider<T>) : AgentLife
def getAgentLifeOrNull(Agent) : AgentLife
def getAgentLogger : Logging
def getDefaultContext : ContextReference
def getEnclosingContexts : java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque<E>
def getEventBus(Agent) : InternalEventBusCapacity
def getExternalContext(UUID) : ContextReference
def getExternalContextCount : int
def getExternalContexts : java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque<E>
def getInnerContext(Function1<Param,Result>) : Context
protected def getInternalSkillCallback : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Procedures.Procedure2<P1,P2>
def getState : AgentState
def removeExternalContext(Context) : ContextReference
def removeExternalContext(ContextReference) : ContextReference
def setAgent(Agent) : Agent
def setDefaultContext(Context,Address) : ContextReference
def setInnerContext(Context) : Context
def setState(AgentState) : AgentState
def start(Agent,SkillUninstaller,Logger,UUID,Context,Object*) : boolean
def stop(Agent,SkillUninstaller,Logger,[boolean]) : ConcurrentCollection<T>
def toString : java.lang.String