Overview of Package io.sarl.sre.janus.services.lifecycle
Object Type List
Name Description
AbstractLifecycleService Implementation of a spawning service that is based on the other services of the SRE platform.
AbtractAgentCreatorProvider Abstract implementation of a provider of agent instance creator.
AgentCreationProcess A class that is runnable into a thread and implements the creation of a single agent.
AgentCreatorProvider Provider of agent instance creator.
AgentIdProvider A dynamic provider of UUID for the newly created agents.
AgentLife Describes any information that is required by the SRE for supporting the agent's life.
AgentState Describe the states of an agent.
AgentTraitLife Describes any information that is required by SRE for supporting the agent trait's life.
BasicSkillUninstaller Install and uninstall the skills.
BehaviorLife Describes any information that is required by the SRE for supporting the behavior's life.
CannotSpawnException This exception is thrown when an agent cannot be spawned.
ContextReference Describes any information that is required by the SRE for supporting the agent's life.
InjectionBasedLifecycleService Implementation of a spawning service that is using injection mechanism for creating the agent.
InvalidSarlSpecificationException This exception is thrown when the agent to spawn is not generated according to a valid SARL specification version.
KernelAgentLifecycleListener Listener on events related to the kernel agent.
LifecycleService This service provides the tools to manage the life-cycle of the agents.
LifecycleServiceAdapter Event adapter on events related to the life-cycle of an agent.
LifecycleServiceListener Listener on events related to the life-cycle of an agent.
ShutdownLookUp A class that is looking for stopping the SRE kernel when o more agent is alive.
SkillUninstaller Install and uninstall the skills.
SpawnDisabledException This exception is thrown when the spawning service of agents is disabled.
SpawnQueries A class enables to update the number of "spawn" queries and supporting the multiple spawning of agents within a single call to "spawn".
StandardLifecycleService Implementation of a spawning service that is using standard object creation for creating the agents.