Modifier and type | Type and description |
enum | Utils.SarlLibraryErrorCode Error code for the getSARLLibraryVersionOnClasspath(TypeReferences, Notifier, OutParameter) function. |
Modifier and type | Action and description |
static boolean | canCast(LightweightTypeReference,LightweightTypeReference,boolean,boolean,boolean) Replies if it is allowed to cast between the given types. |
static org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmTypeReference | cloneWithTypeParametersAndProxies(JvmTypeReference,Iterable<T>,Map<K,V>,JvmTypeReferenceBuilder,JvmTypesBuilder,TypeReferences,TypesFactory) Clone the given type reference that for being link to the given operation. |
static int | compareMajorMinorVersions(String,String) Compare the two strings as they are version numbers with only major and minor components as beeing considered. |
static int | compareVersions(String,String) Compare the two strings as they are version numbers.
Deprecated for removal since 0.13: see compareMajorMinorVersions(String, String)
static long | computeSerialVersionUID(JvmGenericType) Compute the serial version UID for the given JVM element. |
static boolean | containsGenericType(LightweightTypeReference) Replies if a generic type parameter is declared into the given type. |
static void | copyTypeParametersFromJvmOperation(JvmOperation,JvmOperation,JvmTypeReferenceBuilder,JvmTypesBuilder,TypeReferences,TypesFactory) Copy the type parameters from a JvmOperation. |
static void | copyTypeParametersFromJvmOperation(List<E>,List<E>,Map<K,V>,JvmTypeReferenceBuilder,JvmTypesBuilder,TypeReferences,TypesFactory) Copy the type parameters from a JvmOperation. |
static java.lang.String | createNameForHiddenCapacityImplementationAttribute(String) Create the name of the hidden field that is containing a capacity implementation. |
static java.lang.String | createNameForHiddenCapacityImplementationCallingMethodFromFieldName(String) Create the name of the hidden method that is calling a capacity implementation. |
static java.lang.String | createNameForHiddenDefaultValueFunction(String) Create the name of the hidden function that is containing a parameter's default value. |
static java.lang.String | createNameForHiddenEventHandlerMethod(String,int) Create the name of the hidden method that is containing the event handler code. |
static java.lang.String | createNameForHiddenGuardEvaluatorMethod(String,int) Create the name of the hidden method that is containing the event guard evaluation. |
static java.lang.String | createNameForHiddenGuardGeneralEvaluatorMethod(String) Create the name of the hidden method that is containing the evaluation of all the guards for a given event. |
static java.lang.String | createNameForHiddenLocalVariable(String) Create the name of the hidden local variable. |
static java.lang.String | dump(EObject) Dump the object. |
static java.lang.String | dump(Object,boolean) Dump the object. |
static java.lang.String | fixHiddenMember(String) Replies a fixed version of the given name assuming that it is an hidden action, and reformating the reserved text. |
static java.lang.String | getActionSignatureString(SarlAction,ISerializer,SARLGrammarKeywordAccess,ImportManager) This is a context-safe serializer of a signature. |
static boolean | getContainerNotOfType(EObject,Class<T>,OutParameter<T>,OutParameter<T>) Returns the closest container object that is not of the requested type. |
static boolean | getContainerOfType(EObject,OutParameter<T>,OutParameter<T>,Class<T>*) Returns the closest container object that is of one of the requested type. |
static org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject | getFirstContainerForPredicate(EObject,Function1<Param,Result>) Returns the closest container object that is validating the predicate. |
static org.eclipse.xtext.naming.QualifiedName | getQualifiedName(JvmIdentifiableElement) Replies the qualified name of the given element. |
static org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XAbstractFeatureCall | getRootFeatureCall(XAbstractFeatureCall) Replies the root feature call into a sequence of feature calls. |
static org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XAbstractFeatureCall | getRootFeatureCall(XAbstractFeatureCall,XExpression,List<E>) Replies the root feature call into a sequence of feature calls that has not reference to elements declared within the container, and that are not one of the container's parameters. |
static java.lang.String | getSarlCodeFor(EObject) Replies the original code for the given Ecore object. |
static java.lang.String | getSARLLibraryVersionOnClasspath(TypeReferences,Notifier) Replies the version of the SARL library on the classpath.
Deprecated for removal since 0.10: see getSARLLibraryVersionOnClasspath(TypeReferences, Notifier, OutParameter)
static SarlLibraryErrorCode | getSARLLibraryVersionOnClasspath(TypeReferences,Notifier,OutParameter<T>) Replies the version of the SARL library on the classpath. |
static java.lang.String | getStaticConstructorName Replies the name given to the static constructors. |
static void | getSuperTypeParameterMap(JvmDeclaredType,Map<K,V>) Extract the mapping between the type parameters declared within the super types and the type parameters arguments that are declared within the given type. |
static boolean | hasAbstractMember(XtendTypeDeclaration) Replies if the given declaration has an abstract member. |
static boolean | isClass(Class<T>) Replies if the given type is a class type. |
static boolean | isClass(LightweightTypeReference) Replies if the given reference is pointing to a class type. |
static boolean | isCompatibleJDKVersionWhenInSARLProjectClasspath(String) Check if a version of the JDK is compatible with the SARL libraries that is specified in the SARL project classpath. |
static boolean | isCompatibleJDKVersionWithSARLCompilationEnvironment Check if a version of the JDK is compatible with the SARL compilation environment. |
static boolean | isCompatibleJDKVersionWithSARLCompilationEnvironment(String) Check if a version of the JDK is compatible with the SARL compilation environment. |
static boolean | isCompatibleSARLLibraryOnClasspath(TypeReferences,Notifier) Check if a compatible SARL library is available on the classpath. |
static boolean | isCompatibleSARLLibraryVersion(String) Check if a version is compatible with the expected SARL library. |
static boolean | isCompatibleXtextVersion Check if a version of the current Xtext is compatible with the SARL library. |
static boolean | isCompatibleXtextVersion(String) Check if a version of Xtext is compatible with the SARL library. |
static boolean | isDynamicDefaultValueFunctionName(String) Replies if the given name is the hidden name for a parameter's default value. |
static boolean | isFinal(Class<T>) Replies if the given type is a final type. |
static boolean | isFinal(LightweightTypeReference) Replies if the given reference is referencing a final type. |
static boolean | isFunctionalInterface(JvmGenericType,IActionPrototypeProvider) Replies if the given type is a functional interface. |
static boolean | isImplicitLambdaParameterName(String) Replies if the given name is related to an hidden parameter for closures. |
static boolean | isInterface(LightweightTypeReference) Replies if the given type is an interface. |
static boolean | isNameForHiddenCapacityImplementationCallingMethod(String) Replies if the given simple name is the name of the hidden method that is calling a capacity implementation. |
static boolean | isSARLAnnotation(Class<T>) Replies if the given annotation is an annotation from the SARL core library. |
static boolean | isSARLAnnotation(String) Replies if the given annotation is an annotation from the SARL core library. |
static boolean | isStaticConstructorName(String) Replies if the given name is the hidden name for a static constructor. |
static boolean | isVarArg(List<E>) Replies if the last parameter is a variadic parameter. |
static boolean | isVisible(JvmDeclaredType,JvmMember) Replies if the target feature is visible from the type. |
static void | populateInheritanceContext(JvmDeclaredType,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,IActionPrototypeProvider) Analyzing the type hierarchy of the given element, and extract any type-related information. |
static void | populateInheritanceContext(JvmDeclaredType,JvmTypeReference,Iterable<T>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,IActionPrototypeProvider) Analyzing the type hierarchy of the given element, and extract any type-related information. |
static void | populateInterfaceElements(JvmDeclaredType,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,IActionPrototypeProvider) Analyzing the type hierarchy of the given interface and extract hierarchy information. |
static void | setStructuralFeature(EObject,EStructuralFeature,Object) Set the given structure feature with the given value. |
static java.util.List<E> | singletonList(T) Replies a singleton list with the given element, or the empty list if the element is null . |
static org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference | toLightweightTypeReference(JvmType,CommonTypeComputationServices) Convert a type reference to a lightweight type reference. |
static org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference | toLightweightTypeReference(JvmTypeReference,CommonTypeComputationServices) Convert a type reference to a lightweight type reference. |
static org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference | toLightweightTypeReference(JvmType,CommonTypeComputationServices,boolean) Convert a type to a lightweight type reference. |
static org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference | toLightweightTypeReference(JvmTypeReference,CommonTypeComputationServices,boolean) Convert a type reference to a lightweight type reference. |
static org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference | toLightweightTypeReference(JvmTypeReference,CommonTypeComputationServices,ResourceSet) Convert a type reference to a lightweight type reference. |
static org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference | toLightweightTypeReference(JvmTypeReference,CommonTypeComputationServices,ResourceSet,boolean) Convert a type reference to a lightweight type reference. |
static java.lang.Object | toReadableString(String) Convert the given string of characters in order to be readable from a user's message. |
def canCast(LightweightTypeReference,LightweightTypeReference,boolean,boolean,boolean) : boolean
def cloneWithTypeParametersAndProxies(JvmTypeReference,Iterable<T>,Map<K,V>,JvmTypeReferenceBuilder,JvmTypesBuilder,TypeReferences,TypesFactory) : org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmTypeReference
def compareMajorMinorVersions(String,String) : int
def compareVersions(String,String) : int
def computeSerialVersionUID(JvmGenericType) : long
def containsGenericType(LightweightTypeReference) : boolean
def copyTypeParametersFromJvmOperation(JvmOperation,JvmOperation,JvmTypeReferenceBuilder,JvmTypesBuilder,TypeReferences,TypesFactory)
def copyTypeParametersFromJvmOperation(List<E>,List<E>,Map<K,V>,JvmTypeReferenceBuilder,JvmTypesBuilder,TypeReferences,TypesFactory)
def createNameForHiddenCapacityImplementationAttribute(String) : java.lang.String
def createNameForHiddenCapacityImplementationCallingMethodFromFieldName(String) : java.lang.String
def createNameForHiddenDefaultValueFunction(String) : java.lang.String
def createNameForHiddenEventHandlerMethod(String,int) : java.lang.String
def createNameForHiddenGuardEvaluatorMethod(String,int) : java.lang.String
def createNameForHiddenGuardGeneralEvaluatorMethod(String) : java.lang.String
def createNameForHiddenLocalVariable(String) : java.lang.String
def dump(EObject) : java.lang.String
def dump(Object,boolean) : java.lang.String
def fixHiddenMember(String) : java.lang.String
def getActionSignatureString(SarlAction,ISerializer,SARLGrammarKeywordAccess,ImportManager) : java.lang.String
def getContainerNotOfType(EObject,Class<T>,OutParameter<T>,OutParameter<T>) : boolean
def getContainerOfType(EObject,OutParameter<T>,OutParameter<T>,Class<T>*) : boolean
def getFirstContainerForPredicate(EObject,Function1<Param,Result>) : org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
def getQualifiedName(JvmIdentifiableElement) : org.eclipse.xtext.naming.QualifiedName
def getRootFeatureCall(XAbstractFeatureCall) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XAbstractFeatureCall
def getRootFeatureCall(XAbstractFeatureCall,XExpression,List<E>) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XAbstractFeatureCall
def getSarlCodeFor(EObject) : java.lang.String
def getSARLLibraryVersionOnClasspath(TypeReferences,Notifier) : java.lang.String
def getSARLLibraryVersionOnClasspath(TypeReferences,Notifier,OutParameter<T>) : SarlLibraryErrorCode
def getStaticConstructorName : java.lang.String
def getSuperTypeParameterMap(JvmDeclaredType,Map<K,V>)
br interface X<T> {br def a(p1 : T, p2 : U) with Ubr }br interface Y<T> {br }br class Z<TT> implements X<TT>, Y<TT> {br def a(p1 : TT, p2 : W) with W { }br }br
The mapping is:
br X.T => TTbr Y.T => TTbr
def hasAbstractMember(XtendTypeDeclaration) : boolean
def isClass(Class<T>) : boolean
def isClass(LightweightTypeReference) : boolean
def isCompatibleJDKVersionWhenInSARLProjectClasspath(String) : boolean
def isCompatibleJDKVersionWithSARLCompilationEnvironment : boolean
def isCompatibleJDKVersionWithSARLCompilationEnvironment(String) : boolean
def isCompatibleSARLLibraryOnClasspath(TypeReferences,Notifier) : boolean
def isCompatibleSARLLibraryVersion(String) : boolean
def isCompatibleXtextVersion : boolean
def isCompatibleXtextVersion(String) : boolean
def isDynamicDefaultValueFunctionName(String) : boolean
def isFinal(Class<T>) : boolean
def isFinal(LightweightTypeReference) : boolean
def isFunctionalInterface(JvmGenericType,IActionPrototypeProvider) : boolean
is attached to the type. The function counts the number of operations.
def isImplicitLambdaParameterName(String) : boolean
def isInterface(LightweightTypeReference) : boolean
def isNameForHiddenCapacityImplementationCallingMethod(String) : boolean
def isSARLAnnotation(Class<T>) : boolean
def isSARLAnnotation(String) : boolean
def isStaticConstructorName(String) : boolean
def isVarArg(List<E>) : boolean
def isVisible(JvmDeclaredType,JvmMember) : boolean
def populateInheritanceContext(JvmDeclaredType,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,IActionPrototypeProvider)
def populateInheritanceContext(JvmDeclaredType,JvmTypeReference,Iterable<T>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,IActionPrototypeProvider)
def populateInterfaceElements(JvmDeclaredType,Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>,IActionPrototypeProvider)
def setStructuralFeature(EObject,EStructuralFeature,Object)
def singletonList(T) : java.util.List<E>with T
def toLightweightTypeReference(JvmType,CommonTypeComputationServices) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference
def toLightweightTypeReference(JvmTypeReference,CommonTypeComputationServices) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference
def toLightweightTypeReference(JvmType,CommonTypeComputationServices,boolean) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference
def toLightweightTypeReference(JvmTypeReference,CommonTypeComputationServices,boolean) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference
def toLightweightTypeReference(JvmTypeReference,CommonTypeComputationServices,ResourceSet) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference
def toLightweightTypeReference(JvmTypeReference,CommonTypeComputationServices,ResourceSet,boolean) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference
def toReadableString(String) : java.lang.Object