Overview of Package io.sarl.lang.util
Object Type List
Name Description
ActionComparator Comparator of ActionSignature.
AttributeComparator Comparator of Attribute.
BehaviorUnitComparator Comparator of BehaviorUnit.
ConstructorComparator Comparator of Constructors.
ContextAwareTreeAppendable A delegating tree appendable which is aware of th current compilation context.
DelegateTreeAppendable A delegating tree appendable.
FormalParameterListComparator Comparator of lists of formal parameters.
JvmIdentifiableComparator Comparator of JvmIdentifiableElements.
JvmTypeReferenceComparator Comparator of JvmTypeReferences.
JvmVisibilityComparator Comparator of JvmVisility according to the visility level.
ReflectField Utility class for accessing to a field by reflection.
ReflectMethod Utility class for accessing to a method by reflection.
SarlLibraryErrorCode Error code for the getSARLLibraryVersionOnClasspath(TypeReferences, Notifier, OutParameter) function.
Utils Utilities functions on JvmElements.