Name | Description |
ActionComparator | Comparator of ActionSignature. |
AttributeComparator | Comparator of Attribute. |
BehaviorUnitComparator | Comparator of BehaviorUnit. |
ConstructorComparator | Comparator of Constructors. |
ContextAwareTreeAppendable | A delegating tree appendable which is aware of th current compilation context. |
DelegateTreeAppendable | A delegating tree appendable. |
FormalParameterListComparator | Comparator of lists of formal parameters. |
JvmIdentifiableComparator | Comparator of JvmIdentifiableElements. |
JvmTypeReferenceComparator | Comparator of JvmTypeReferences. |
JvmVisibilityComparator | Comparator of JvmVisility according to the visility level. |
ReflectField | Utility class for accessing to a field by reflection. |
ReflectMethod | Utility class for accessing to a method by reflection. |
SarlLibraryErrorCode | Error code for the getSARLLibraryVersionOnClasspath(TypeReferences, Notifier, OutParameter) function. |
Utils | Utilities functions on JvmElements. |