Interface EventTransportService
All Known Implementing Classes:
HazelcastEventTransportService, LocalEventTransportService
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or action reference.
interface EventTransportService
This service enables to route events
Maven Group Identifier:
Maven Artifact Identifier:
Action Summary
Modifier and type Action and description
abstract boolean routeEvent(Event,EventSpace,Scope<T>)
Manages events transmission, deciding when to forward it on the network or/and to route it locally
Action Details
def routeEvent(Event,EventSpace,Scope<T>) : boolean
Manages events transmission, deciding when to forward it on the network or/and to route it locally

Locally, this function emits the event only on the internal event bus of the listeners.

Locally, this function launches a task for each matching listener.
event - the event to emit.
space - the local space in which the event should be routed.
scope - description of the scope of the event, i.e. the receivers of the event.
true if the message should be also routed locally by the space instance itself. false if the space instance must not route the event.