Modifier and type | Property and description |
java.lang.String | clusterMemberIPs Replies the list of IP addresses of Hazelcast Cluster members as Strings. |
java.lang.String | clusterMemberIPsArray Replies the list of IP addresses of Hazelcast Cluster members as Strings. |
java.lang.String | clusterName Replies the name of the Hazelcast cluster name that is explicitly provided into the configuration. |
boolean | enable Replies the flag that enable or disable the networking features. |
JoinMethod | joinMethod Replies the method for cluster joining. |
boolean | localHazelcastInstance Replies the property that enable or disable the special configuration for a local instance of Hazelcast. |
int | minClusterSize |
Modifier and type | Field and description |
public static val java.lang.String | CLUSTER_NAME_NAME Name of the property that contains the name of the Hazelcast cluster. |
public static val java.lang.String | CLUSTER_NAME_PREFIX Prefix for the default cluster name. |
public static val java.lang.String | DEFAULT_CLUSTER_NAME_VALUE Default value for the explicit cluster name. |
public static val boolean | DEFAULT_ENABLE_VALUE Default value for the enabling state of the networking feature outside the Eclipse environment. |
public static val java.lang.String | DEFAULT_IP_LIST_CLUSTER Default value for the eArray of Cluster members IP addresses represented as Strings. |
public static val boolean | DEFAULT_LOCAL_HAZELCAST_INSTANCE_VALUE Default value of the property that enable or disable the special configuration for a local instance of Hazelcast. |
public static val int | DEFAULT_MIN_CLUSTER_SIZE_VALUE Default value for the minimal number of hazelcast nodes before starting. |
public static val boolean | DEFAULT_PORT_AUTO_INCREMENT_VALUE Default flag for the auto-increment of the port numbers. |
public static val java.lang.String | DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME Default name of the program. |
public static val java.lang.String | ENABLE_NAME Name of the property that enable or disable the networking features. |
public static val java.lang.String | IP_LIST_CLUSTER |
public static val java.lang.String | JOIN_METHOD_NAME Name of the property that indicates the method for cluster joins. |
public static val java.lang.String | LOCAL_HAZELCAST_INSTANCE_NAME Name of the property that enable or disable the special configuration for a local instance of Hazelcast. |
public static val java.lang.String | MIN_CLUSTER_SIZE_NAME Name of the property that contains the minimal number of hazelcast nodes before starting. |
public static val java.lang.String | PORT_AUTO_INCREMENT_NAME Name of the property that enable or disable the auto-increment of the port numbers. |
public static val java.lang.String | PREFIX Prefix for the configuration entries of the modules. |
Modifier and type | Action and description |
static java.lang.String | createStandardClusterName(String) Replies a cluster name following the standard naming convention. |
static java.lang.String | createStandardClusterName(UUID) Replies a cluster name following the standard naming convention. |
java.lang.String | getClusterMemberIPs Replies the list of IP addresses of Hazelcast Cluster members as Strings. |
java.lang.String | getClusterMemberIPsArray Replies the list of IP addresses of Hazelcast Cluster members as Strings. |
java.lang.String | getClusterName Replies the name of the Hazelcast cluster name that is explicitly provided into the configuration. |
static SreNetworkConfig | getConfiguration(ConfigurationFactory) Replies the configuration for the networking features of the SRE. |
boolean | getEnable Replies the flag that enable or disable the networking features. |
JoinMethod | getJoinMethod Replies the method for cluster joining. |
boolean | getLocalHazelcastInstance Replies the property that enable or disable the special configuration for a local instance of Hazelcast. |
int | getMinClusterSize |
boolean | isPortAutoIncrement |
java.lang.String | setClusterMemberIPs(String) Set the list of IP addresses of Hazelcast Cluster members as Strings. |
java.lang.String | setClusterMemberIPsArray(String*) Set the list of IP addresses of Hazelcast Cluster members as Strings. |
void | setClusterName(String) Change the name of the Hazelcast cluster name. |
void | setEnable(boolean) Change the flag that enable or disable the networking features. |
void | setJoinMethod(JoinMethod) Set the method for cluster joining. |
void | setLocalHazelcastInstance(boolean) Change the property that enable or disable the special configuration for a local instance of Hazelcast. |
int | setMinClusterSize(int) Set the minimum number of nodes into the cluster before starting the SRE. |
void | setPortAutoIncrement(boolean) Change the flag that enable or disable the auto-increment of the port numbers. |
static boolean | validateClusterMemberIPsArray(String) Validate the given string of character for being a list of IP addresses. |
val clusterMemberIPs : java.lang.String
This property is an alias for the action: getClusterMemberIPs
val clusterMemberIPsArray : java.lang.String
This property is an alias for the action: getClusterMemberIPsArray
var clusterName : java.lang.String
This property is an alias for the action: getClusterName
var enable : boolean
This property is an alias for the action: getEnable
var joinMethod : JoinMethod
This property is an alias for the action: getJoinMethod
var localHazelcastInstance : boolean
, it overrides all the other hazelcast configuration.
This property is an alias for the action: getLocalHazelcastInstance
val minClusterSize : int
This property is an alias for the action: getMinClusterSize
public static val CLUSTER_NAME_NAME : java.lang.String = "srenetwork.clusterName"
public static val CLUSTER_NAME_PREFIX : java.lang.String = ""
public static val DEFAULT_CLUSTER_NAME_VALUE : java.lang.String = ""
public static val DEFAULT_ENABLE_VALUE : boolean = false
public static val DEFAULT_IP_LIST_CLUSTER : java.lang.String = ""
public static val DEFAULT_LOCAL_HAZELCAST_INSTANCE_VALUE : boolean = false
, it overrides all the other hazelcast configuration.
public static val DEFAULT_MIN_CLUSTER_SIZE_VALUE : int = 1
public static val DEFAULT_PORT_AUTO_INCREMENT_VALUE : boolean = true
public static val DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME : java.lang.String = "janusnode"
public static val ENABLE_NAME : java.lang.String = "srenetwork.enable"
public static val IP_LIST_CLUSTER : java.lang.String = "srenetwork.clusterMemberIPs"
public static val JOIN_METHOD_NAME : java.lang.String = "srenetwork.joinMethod"
public static val LOCAL_HAZELCAST_INSTANCE_NAME : java.lang.String = "srenetwork.localHazelcastInstance"
, it overrides all the other hazelcast configuration.
public static val MIN_CLUSTER_SIZE_NAME : java.lang.String = "srenetwork.minClusterSize"
public static val PORT_AUTO_INCREMENT_NAME : java.lang.String = "srenetwork.portAutoIncrement"
public static val PREFIX : java.lang.String = "srenetwork"
def createStandardClusterName(String) : java.lang.String
def createStandardClusterName(UUID) : java.lang.String
def getClusterMemberIPs : java.lang.String
def getClusterMemberIPsArray : java.lang.String
def getClusterName : java.lang.String
def getConfiguration(ConfigurationFactory) : SreNetworkConfig
def getEnable : boolean
def getJoinMethod : JoinMethod
def getLocalHazelcastInstance : boolean
, it overrides all the other hazelcast configuration.
def getMinClusterSize : int
def isPortAutoIncrement : boolean
def setClusterMemberIPs(String) : java.lang.String
def setClusterMemberIPsArray(String*) : java.lang.String
def setClusterName(String)
def setEnable(boolean)
def setJoinMethod(JoinMethod)
def setLocalHazelcastInstance(boolean)
, it overrides all the other hazelcast configuration.
def setMinClusterSize(int) : int
def setPortAutoIncrement(boolean)
def validateClusterMemberIPsArray(String) : boolean