Modifier and type | Action and description |
static S | castInternalSkillReference(AbstractSkillContainer,AtomicSkillReference,Class<T>) Casts the internal skill reference of a skill container. |
static void | doBehaviorInstallation(Behavior) Do the installation of the given behavior. |
static void | doBehaviorUninstallation(Behavior) Do the uninstallation of the given behavior. |
static void | doEvaluateBehaviorGuards(IBehaviorGuardEvaluatorReceiver,Object,Collection<E>) Do the guard evaluations of the behavior units. |
static void | doGetSupportedEvents(IBehaviorGuardEvaluatorReceiver,Set<E>) Retrieve the events' types that are supported by the given receiver. |
static boolean | doIsSupportedEvent(IBehaviorGuardEvaluatorReceiver,Class<T>) Replies if the given event is supported by the given receiver. |
static void | doSkillInstallation(Skill) Do the installation of the given skill. |
static void | doSkillUninstallation(Skill) Do the uninstallation of the given skill. |
static void | doSkillUninstallationPreparation(Skill) Do the uninstallation preparation of the given skill. |
static S | getInternalSkill(AbstractSkillContainer,Class<T>) Replies the internal skill of a skill container. |
static AtomicSkillReference | getInternalSkillReference(AbstractSkillContainer,Class<T>) Replies the internal skill reference of a skill container. |
static java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap<K,V> | getSkillRepository(AbstractSkillContainer) Replies the skill repository of the given container. |
static S | getSreSpecificData(SRESpecificDataContainer,Class<T>) Replies the data associated to the container by the SRE. |
static void | setDynamicSkillProvider(AbstractSkillContainer,DynamicSkillProvider) Change the dynamic skill provider of a skill container. |
static AtomicSkillReference | setInternalSkill(AbstractSkillContainer,Skill,Class<T>) Set the internal skill of a skill container. |
static AtomicSkillReference | setInternalSkillIfAbsent(AbstractSkillContainer,Skill,Class<T>) Set the internal skill of a skill container if the skill is not yet mapped. |
static void | setSkillInstallationCallback(Agent,Procedure2<P1,P2>) Provide an agent with a callback function for the skill installation. |
static void | setSreSpecificData(SRESpecificDataContainer,Object) Change the data associated to the given container by the SRE. |
static S | setSreSpecificData(SRESpecificDataContainer,S,Class<T>) Change the data associated to the given container by the SRE. |
def castInternalSkillReference(AbstractSkillContainer,AtomicSkillReference,Class<T>) : Swith S extends Capacity
def doBehaviorInstallation(Behavior)
def doBehaviorUninstallation(Behavior)
def doEvaluateBehaviorGuards(IBehaviorGuardEvaluatorReceiver,Object,Collection<E>)
def doGetSupportedEvents(IBehaviorGuardEvaluatorReceiver,Set<E>)
def doIsSupportedEvent(IBehaviorGuardEvaluatorReceiver,Class<T>) : boolean
def doSkillInstallation(Skill)
def doSkillUninstallation(Skill)
def doSkillUninstallationPreparation(Skill)
def getInternalSkill(AbstractSkillContainer,Class<T>) : Swith S extends Capacity
def getInternalSkillReference(AbstractSkillContainer,Class<T>) : AtomicSkillReference
def getSkillRepository(AbstractSkillContainer) : java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap<K,V>
def getSreSpecificData(SRESpecificDataContainer,Class<T>) : Swith S
def setDynamicSkillProvider(AbstractSkillContainer,DynamicSkillProvider)
def setInternalSkill(AbstractSkillContainer,Skill,Class<T>) : AtomicSkillReference
def setInternalSkillIfAbsent(AbstractSkillContainer,Skill,Class<T>) : AtomicSkillReference
def setSkillInstallationCallback(Agent,Procedure2<P1,P2>)
def setSreSpecificData(SRESpecificDataContainer,Object)
def setSreSpecificData(SRESpecificDataContainer,S,Class<T>) : Swith S