Overview of Package io.sarl.sre.janus.skills.bic
Agent Type List
Name Description
BehaviorsSkill SRE implementation of SARL's Behaviors built-in capacity.
DefaultContextInteractionsSkill Skill to access to the default interaction context.
ExternalContextAccessSkill Skill that permits to access to the context in which the agent is located.
InnerContextAccessSkill SRE implementation of SARL's InnerContextAccess built-in capacity.
LifecycleSkill Skill that permits to manage the life cycle of the agents.
LoggingSkill SRE implementation of SARL's Logging built-in capacity.
SchedulesSkill Skill that permits to execute tasks with an executor service.
TimeSkill SRE implementation of SARL's Time built-in capacity.
Object Type List
Name Description
FailureListener Listener on events related to the task failures.
FailureListenerFactory Factory for failure listener.