Overview of Package io.sarl.sre.janus.services.probing.probes
Object Type List
Name Description
AbstractFieldProbe Abstract probe implementation is linked to a field.
AbstractProbe Abstract probe implementation.
BigDecimalFieldProbe Probe implementation is linked to a primitive big decimal field, or a field that could be assimilated to a big decimal primitive.
BigIntegerFieldProbe Probe implementation is linked to a primitive big integer field, or a field that could be assimilated to a big integer primitive.
BooleanFieldProbe Probe implementation is linked to a primitive boolean field, or a field that could be assimilated to a boolean primitive.
ByteFieldProbe Probe implementation is linked to a primitive byte field, or a field that could be assimilated to a byte primitive.
CharacterFieldProbe Probe implementation is linked to a primitive character field, or a field that could be assimilated to a character primitive.
DoubleFieldProbe Probe implementation is linked to a primitive double field, or a field that could be assimilated to a double primitive.
FloatFieldProbe Probe implementation is linked to a primitive float field, or a field that could be assimilated to a float primitive.
IntegerFieldProbe Probe implementation is linked to a primitive integer field, or a field that could be assimilated to a integer primitive.
LongFieldProbe Probe implementation is linked to a primitive long field, or a field that could be assimilated to a long primitive.
ReferenceFieldProbe Probe implementation is linked to an object reference field, or a field that could be assimilated to an object reference primitive.
ShortFieldProbe Probe implementation is linked to a primitive short field, or a field that could be assimilated to a short byte primitive.