Overview of Package io.sarl.sre.janus.services.context
Object Type List
Name Description
AbstractContextService A service managing the root context and enabling the creation of contexts.
AbstractInjectionBasedContextService A service managing the root context and enabling the creation of contexts by injection.
Context Implementation of an agent context in the SRE platform.
ContextFactory Factory of SRE contexts.
ContextService This service enables to store the contexts and to manage the spaces in the SRE platform.
DefaultContextFactory Factory of SRE contexts.
ExternalContextMemberListener Listener on events related to the members of an external context.
InternalContextMembershipListener Listener on events related to the membership within a context.
InternalContextMembershipListenerFactory Factory of the listeners on events related to the membership within a context.
LocalSpaceRepository A repository of spaces specific to a given context.
MemoryBasedContextService A service managing the root context and enabling the creation of contexts by injection into the local memory.
SpaceDescription Description of a space.
SpaceRepository A repository of spaces specific to a given context.
SpaceRepositoryListener Listener on events related to the space repository.
SpaceRepositoryListenerFactory Factory for a space event emitter.
SpaceSpecificationKey Key for a space specification.