Overview of Package io.sarl.sre.janus.boot.internal.internal
Object Type List
Name Description
ConcurrentCollectionModule Module for configuring the providers of concurrent collections.
ConcurrentCollectionModuleProvider Provider of the module for configuring the providers of concurrent collections.
ConfigurableAgentInjectorModule Module for configuring the injector of agents and agent components.
ConfigurableAgentInjectorModuleProvider Provider of the module for configuring the agent trait initializer.
ListenerNotifierModule Module for configuring the methods for notifying the event listeners.
ListenerNotifierModuleProvider Provider of the module for configuring the methods for notifying the event listeners..
LockProviderModule Module for configuring the providers of locks.
LockProviderModuleProvider Provider of the module for configuring the providers of locks.
PlatformEventEmitterModule Module for configuring the methods for firing the specific events that are defined into the SARL API.
PlatformEventEmitterModuleProvider Provider of the module for configuring the methods for firing the specific events that are defined into the SARL API.