Overview of Package io.sarl.lang.validation
Object Type List
Name Description
ConfigurableIssueSeveritiesProvider A configurable issue severity provider.
ConfigurableValueProvider Configurable value provider.
ConfigurableValues Configurable values.
DefaultFeatureCallValidator Validator of the feature calls.
DefaultProgrammaticWarningSuppressor Suppress warnings programmatically with @SuppressWarnings.
IConfigurableIssueSeveritiesProvider A configurable issue severity provider.
IFeatureCallValidator Validator of the feature calls.
IProgrammaticWarningSuppressor Suppress warnings programmatically.
IssueCodes List of issues codes related to SARL.
SARLEarlyExitValidator Validation of the early-exit control flow.
SARLFeatureNameValidator Validator of the feature names.
SARLJvmTypeReferencesValidator This class validates the references to JVM types.
SARLModifierValidator The modifier validator for constructors.
SARLSyntaxErrorMessageProvider Provider of messages for syntax errors.
SARLValidator Validator for the SARL elements.
StandardSarlConfigurableIssueCodesProvider Provider of issues that could be configured by the user.
SyntaxIssueCodes List of issue codes for the parser.