Overview of Package io.sarl.lang.typesystem.cast
Object Type List
Name Description
AmbiguousCastOperatorLinkingCandidate Ambiguous linking candidate for cast operator.
CastedExpressionTypeComputationState State for type computation associated to the cast operator.
CastOperatorLinkingCandidate Linking candidate for cast operator.
CastScopeSession Scope session dedicated to the cast operator.
ICastOperationCandidateSelector Select the functions that should be called in place of a classic cast operator.
ICastOperatorLinkingCandidate Linking candidate for cast operator.
ISelector Do the selection of a specific operation description.
ObjectAndPrimitiveBasedCastOperationCandidateSelector Select the functions that should be called in place of a classic cast operator.
ObjectAndPrimitiveBasedSelector Select the functions that should be called in place of a classic cast operator.
SuspiciousOverloadedCastOperatorLinkingCandidate Ambiguous linking candidate for cast operator.