Overview of Package io.sarl.lang.core.scoping.extensions.numbers.arithmetic
Object Type List
Name Description
AtomicIntegerArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type AtomicInteger.
AtomicLongArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type AtomicLong.
ByteArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type Byte.
DoubleArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type Double.
FloatArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type Float.
IntegerArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type Integer.
LongArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type Long.
NumberArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type Number.
NumberArithmeticImplicitlyImportedFeatures Provide static functions related to the arithmetic of numbers.
PrimitiveByteArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type byte.
PrimitiveDoubleArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type double.
PrimitiveFloatArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type float.
PrimitiveIntArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type int.
PrimitiveLongArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type long.
PrimitiveShortArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type short.
ShortArithmeticExtensions Provide static operators for numbers of type Short.