Name | Description |
AbstractJavaBatchCompiler | Abstract implementation for the Java batch compilers. |
CancelIndicatorProgressMonitor | A wrapper from a CancelIndicator to a ProgressMonitor. |
CleaningPolicy | The policy that should be used for cleaning the files after a compilation. |
CompilerStatus | The type of statut that is reached by a Java batch compiler. |
DefaultIssueComparator | Comparator of issues. |
EcjBatchCompiler | A wrapper on top of the Eclipse Compiler for Java (ECJ), aka. |
EcjBatchCompilerFactory | A for the Eclipse Compiler for Java (ECJ), aka. |
ICompilatedResourceReceiver | An object that expects to receive the Ecore objects from the compiled resources. |
IJavaBatchCompiler | An object that represents a Java compiler. |
IJavaBatchCompilerFactory | An object that represents a Java compiler factory. |
InvalidSarlBatchCompilerError | Exception that is thrown when the SARL batch compiler cannot be created. |
IssueMessageFormatter | Formatter for the issue messages. |
IssueMessageListener | Listener for the issue messages. |
JavacBatchCompiler | A wrapper on top of the Oracle Java Compiler (javac). |
JavacBatchCompilerFactory | A factory of the Oracle Java Compiler (javac). |
OptimizationLevel | Level of optimization of the Java code. |
SarlBatchCompiler | The compiler from SARL that could be used for batch tasks (Maven, CLI). |
SarlBatchCompilerUtils | Utility functions for the SARL batch compiler API. |