Overview of Package io.sarl.lang.compiler.batch
Object Type List
Name Description
AbstractJavaBatchCompiler Abstract implementation for the Java batch compilers.
CancelIndicatorProgressMonitor A wrapper from a CancelIndicator to a ProgressMonitor.
CleaningPolicy The policy that should be used for cleaning the files after a compilation.
CompilerStatus The type of statut that is reached by a Java batch compiler.
DefaultIssueComparator Comparator of issues.
EcjBatchCompiler A wrapper on top of the Eclipse Compiler for Java (ECJ), aka.
EcjBatchCompilerFactory A for the Eclipse Compiler for Java (ECJ), aka.
ICompilatedResourceReceiver An object that expects to receive the Ecore objects from the compiled resources.
IJavaBatchCompiler An object that represents a Java compiler.
IJavaBatchCompilerFactory An object that represents a Java compiler factory.
InvalidSarlBatchCompilerError Exception that is thrown when the SARL batch compiler cannot be created.
IssueMessageFormatter Formatter for the issue messages.
IssueMessageListener Listener for the issue messages.
JavacBatchCompiler A wrapper on top of the Oracle Java Compiler (javac).
JavacBatchCompilerFactory A factory of the Oracle Java Compiler (javac).
OptimizationLevel Level of optimization of the Java code.
SarlBatchCompiler The compiler from SARL that could be used for batch tasks (Maven, CLI).
SarlBatchCompilerUtils Utility functions for the SARL batch compiler API.