AgentKilled |
Informs an agent has been killed. |
AgentKillFailure |
Notifies an agent that a failure has occurred when it tried to commit a suicide. |
AgentSpawned |
Informs the creation of a new agent in a spawning context. |
AgentSpawnFailure |
Notifies an agent that a failure has occurred when it tried to spawn another agent. |
Behaviors |
Agent behaviors management. |
ContextJoined |
Notifies the behaviors of the agent that it has joined a new super-holon. |
ContextLeft |
Notifies the behaviors of the agent that it has left a super-holon. |
DefaultContextInteractions |
Gives access to the DefaultContext of the agent and common actions on its default space. |
Destroy |
Notifies the destruction of an element. |
ExternalContextAccess |
Provides functions for accessing and managing the external contexts of an agent. |
Failure |
Notifies an agent that a failure has occurred. |
Initialize |
Initialization event. |
InnerContextAccess |
Provides functions for accessing and managing the internal contexts of an agent. |
Lifecycle |
Lifecycle related actions. |
Logging |
Gives access to the logging mechanism associated to the agent. |
MemberExcluded |
Notifies the other other members that the member with the identifier agentID was excluded (forced to leave) the holon context parentContextID. |
MemberJoined |
Notifies the other members that the member with the identifier agentID has effectively integrated the holon context. |
MemberLeft |
Notifies the other members that the member with the identifier agentID has left the holon context. |
ParticipantJoined |
Notifies other participants that a member has effectively integrated the space. |
ParticipantLeft |
Notifies other participants that the member has effectively left the space. |
Schedules |
Schedules actions in time. |
SpaceCreated |
Informs the creation of a new space in a given context. |
SpaceDestroyed |
Informs the destruction of a space in a given context. |
TaskFailure |
Notifies an agent that a failure has occurred in one of its parallel tasks. |
Time |
Gives access to the time in the agent application. |