Overview of Package io.sarl.api.core
Agent Type List
Name Description
AgentKilled Informs an agent has been killed.
AgentKillFailure Notifies an agent that a failure has occurred when it tried to commit a suicide.
AgentSpawned Informs the creation of a new agent in a spawning context.
AgentSpawnFailure Notifies an agent that a failure has occurred when it tried to spawn another agent.
Behaviors Agent behaviors management.
ContextJoined Notifies the behaviors of the agent that it has joined a new super-holon.
ContextLeft Notifies the behaviors of the agent that it has left a super-holon.
DefaultContextInteractions Gives access to the DefaultContext of the agent and common actions on its default space.
Destroy Notifies the destruction of an element.
ExternalContextAccess Provides functions for accessing and managing the external contexts of an agent.
Failure Notifies an agent that a failure has occurred.
Initialize Initialization event.
InnerContextAccess Provides functions for accessing and managing the internal contexts of an agent.
Lifecycle Lifecycle related actions.
Logging Gives access to the logging mechanism associated to the agent.
MemberExcluded Notifies the other other members that the member with the identifier agentID was excluded (forced to leave) the holon context parentContextID.
MemberJoined Notifies the other members that the member with the identifier agentID has effectively integrated the holon context.
MemberLeft Notifies the other members that the member with the identifier agentID has left the holon context.
ParticipantJoined Notifies other participants that a member has effectively integrated the space.
ParticipantLeft Notifies other participants that the member has effectively left the space.
Schedules Schedules actions in time.
SpaceCreated Informs the creation of a new space in a given context.
SpaceDestroyed Informs the destruction of a space in a given context.
TaskFailure Notifies an agent that a failure has occurred in one of its parallel tasks.
Time Gives access to the time in the agent application.
Object Type List
Name Description
AgentTask Description of a task an agent has schedule to be performed at a later time.
OpenEventSpace Event driven interaction space where participants (agents, etc) are free register and unregister themselves.
OpenEventSpaceSpecification Specification of an OpenEventSpace where agent can freely register and unregister.
UnknownContextException Exception thrown when an agent context is unknown.